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Close-Out Instructions

This page contains information about the process and documentation necessary to close out a Data Access Request (DAR). For step-by-step user instructions on navigating the Data Access Request Management (DARM) system for project close-outs, please visit Closing Out an Application.

A NIAGADS DSS project is active for one year from the date of project approval. If the project will not be renewed after one year, the Principal Investigator must formally close it out.

Terms of project close-out:

As part of the close-out process, any versions of the data stored at the Institution and/or Cloud Service Provider must be destroyed, and destruction confirmed by the Signing Official. PIs also agree that if they change institutions during the access period, they will complete the DAR close-out process before moving to their new institution.

As outlined in the Data Use Certification, failure to submit a renewal or to complete the close-out process, including confirmation of data destruction by the Institutional Signing Official, may result in termination of all current data access and/or suspension of the PI and all associated personnel and collaborators from submitting new DARs for a period to be determined by NIH.

Destruction of Data

Data downloaded from NIH-designated data repositories must be destroyed if they are no longer needed or used, or if the project is to be terminated and closed-out with NIAGADS. Delete all data for the project from storage, virtual and physical machines, databases, and random access archives (i.e., archival technology that allows for deletion of specified records within the context of media containing multiple records).

  • Investigators and Institutions may retain only encrypted copies of the minimum data necessary at their institution to comply with institutional scientific data retention policy and any data stored on temporary backup media as are required to maintain the integrity of the institution’s data protection program. Ideally, the data will exist on backup media that is not used by other projects and can therefore be destroyed or erased without impacting other users/tenants. If retaining the data on separate backup media is not possible, as will be the case with many users, the media may be retained for the standard media retention period but may not be recovered for any purpose without a new Data Access Request approved by the NIH. Retained data should be deleted at the appropriate time, according to institutional policies.

  • Shred hard copies and CD ROMs or other non-reusable physical media.

  • Delete electronic files securely. For personal computers, the minimum would involve deleting files and emptying the recycle bin or equivalent with equivalent procedures for servers. Optimally, use a secure method that performs a delete and overwrite of the physical media that was used to store the files.

  • Ensure that backups are reused (data deleted) and any archive copies are also destroyed.

Destroy media according to (NIST) Guidelines for Information Media Sanitization ( )

Close-Out Instructions

  1. Log into the Data Access Request Management (DARM) system by going to .

  2. Research Summary:  Describe major findings as a result of using data obtained from NIAGADS DSS over the past year. Describe any secondary data resulting from use of DSS data. These data must be returned back to NIAGADS in accord with the NIA AD Genomics Sharing Plan, the NIAGADS Data Distribution Agreement and the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy (GDS).

  3. Publications:  List publications resulting from analysis of data obtained from NIAGADS DSS over the past year.  Please include manuscripts accepted for publication or in press. List any accepted publications including the PubMed Central Identification Number (PMCID).

  4. Scientific Presentations: List scientific presentations resulting from use of data obtained from NIAGADS DSS.

  5. Additional Collaborators. List any internal or external collaborators who have used data associated with the project.

  6. Data Security. Describe any issues that have occurred with data security.

  7. Reason for Close Out. Briefly describe reason for project close out.

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