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Wget (Linux File Downloader) User Guide

How to Install Wget

To check if Wget is installed, open Terminal (command prompt for Windows users) and type:

wget -V

If it is installed, it will return the version. If you didn’t have the wget application installed in your system, please follow below steps to install the wget application.

For Linux Users

Install wget on Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install wget

Install wget on RHEL / CentOS / Fedora:

sudo yum install wget

Install wget on OpenSUSE:

sudo zypper install wget

Install wget on ArchLinux:

sudo pacman -Sy wget

For Windows users

Download the latest version of the wget.exe for Windows at If you have a 64-bit system download the 64-bit version of the Wget.
Copy/cut the wget.exe file into your C:\Windows\System32 folder.
Open the command prompt (cmd.exe) and run wget to see if it is installed.

For Mac users

First, install Homebrew. To check if you already have Homebrew on your machine, open Terminal and type:

brew -v 

If it returns the version skip the next step. If you didn’t have Homebrew installed type and run the following:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then, install wget.

brew install wget

How to Use Wget to Download a File (For All Platforms)

To see what commands are available, use

wget –help or wget -h

To download a single data file:

wget <URL-of-data-file>

Replace <URL-of-data-file> with the actual data file location. For example:


The downloaded file will be saved in the directory you were located (within the command-line interface) when running wget command unless you specified an alternative download location.

To learn more visit Wget documentation page.

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