The last 12 months have been a year of growth for user support and resources at NIAGADS. The team was hard at work developing and improving documentation, tutorials, and more. 

Ticket System 

NIAGADS now has a dedicated ticket system for users to submit questions and technical issues. The ticket system has increased the team’s ability to track and respond to user issues in a timely manner. To submit a ticket to the ticket system users can: 

User Support Portal 

The NIAGADS team launched a new documentation and support portal. In addition to the information needed to submit or apply for data at NIAGADS, there are also articles on other relevant topics to users, like using the Gen3 Data Discovery Portal and how NIAGADS can support the development of a data management and sharing plan in alignment with NIH and NIA policies

A dedicated page to frequently asked questions in available to users on the support portal as well. 

Office Hours 

The NIAGADS team hold office hours every 2 to 3 months on different topics for users to join live and ask questions. Invitations to office hours and detail about the upcoming topics are distributed through our email list, which you can subscribe to here


Just launched in May 2024, NIAGADS now sends out a monthly newsletter covering what NIAGADS has been up to in the last month including: 

  • Newly released datasets 
  • Publications released in the last month utilizing datasets in NIAGADS 
  • Blog posts from the last month 
  • Upcoming office hours and other relevant events 
  • And more! 

To receive the newsletter, subscribe to our mailing list here.  

Acknowledgement Generator 

Figuring out how to acknowledge a dataset in part, whole, or when using multiple datasets can be challenging. NIAGADS now offers an acknowledgement generator to create custom acknowledgments based on the NIAGADS accession numbers researchers enter. Check out the acknowledgement generator here

Video Tutorials 

The NIAGADS YouTube page launched its first tutorial series, an introduction to utilizing the Alzheimer’s Genomics Database. The NIAGADS team is working on additional tutorial videos that will be posted throughout the year. 

Have additional ideas for user support and resources? Submit them here