Need to acknowledge data from DSS in a publication, grant application, or another place?

NIAGADS offers a tool to make it easier to generate the text needed to acknowledge the dataset(s) or study/studies used in your research.

How Does it Work?

  • Enter study (e.g. sa000001) or dataset (e.g.ng00067) accession number(s) into the search bar below. NOTE: a sampleset (e.g. snd10000) or fileset accession (e.g. fsa000002) will not return results.
  • If searching for more than on accession number, separate accession numbers using commas.
  • Click “Generate text” or press enter.
  • A full acknowledgement statement for the accession number(s) you entered appears below! NOTE: read through the statement provided to ensure all content is relevant to your analysis. Some study acknowledgments are specific to datasets.

Not sure where to find the accession number or which one to use? Check out our article about NIAGADS accession number: Understanding Accession Numbers.

Acknowledgment Examples

Example 1: In their analysis, a researcher used all participants from the ADSP Umbrella dataset (ng00067) made up of many studies and the KnightADRC GWAS (ng00127) dataset consisting off one study. The resulting acknowledgment was generated by entering the two dataset accession numbers into this tool (ng00067, ng00127).

Example 2: In their analysis, a researcher used a subset of participants from the ADSP Umbrella dataset (ng00067) made up of many studies and the KnightADRC GWAS (ng00127) dataset consisting of one study. The resulting acknowledgment was generated by entering the four ADSP study accession numbers associated with the samples used and the KnightADRC GWAS dataset accession number (ADSP: sa000001, sa000002, sa000004, and sa000008 & KnightADRC: ng00127) into this tool (sa000001, sa000002, sa000004, sa000008, ng00127).


Not sure how to generate the correct acknowledgment? Contact us at for assistance!