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This dataset includes 119 samples from healthy control participants without dementia, 65 samples from presymptomatic AD participants (CDR®=0 at draw and current clinical diagnostic of AD), 42 samples from early symptomatic AD participants (CDR®=0.5 at draw and current diagnostic of AD), and 50 samples from symptomatic AD (CDR®=1 at draw, diagnostic of AD at draw, and current diagnostic of AD).

Additionally, the dataset includes participants from other neurodegenerative diseases: 17 DLB participants, 16 FTD participants, and 92 PD participants.

The dataset consists of phenotype data and normalized gene counts for all participants, as well as raw sequencing data in FASTQ format.

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
Plasma Cell-Free RNA Transcriptomics snd10085RNA sequencing400

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
Plasma Cell-Free RNA Transcriptomicsfsa000118NG00142.v1Normalized gene counts, FASTQs, and Phenotype file

View the File Manifest for a full list of files released in this dataset.