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Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tau, tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (ptau), and Aβ₄₂ are established biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and have been used as quantitative traits for genetic analyses.  This is the largest genome-wide association study for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tau/ptau levels published to date (n = 1,269).  Imputed data consists of 5,815,690 SNPS using HapMap release 22 CEU (build 36) as a reference panel.

This dataset is comprised of 769  individuals (506 Washington University, 208 University of Washington, 55 University of Pennsylvania). An additional 395 ADNI samples were used in this study but are not part of this dataset. Contact ADNI to apply for access to their GWAS data at

This dataset is part of the Knight ADRC Collection. Other datasets in this collection can be found at:

This dataset was originally published on the NIAGADS archive site on 03/17/2014 and was moved to DSS on 02/20/2025.

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
Knight ADRC GWAS of CSFsnd10111GWAS-Imputation769

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
Knight GWAS of CSF: HapMap imputation and phenotypesfsa000121NG00035.v1HapMap GWAS, imputation and phenotpyes

View the File Manifest for a full list of files released in this dataset.

Data Dictionary Files