The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC), sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) is a prospective epidemiologic study conducted in four U.S. communities. ARIC is designed to investigate the causes of atherosclerosis and its clinical outcomes, and variation in cardiovascular risk factors, medical care, and disease by race, gender, location, and date. To date, the ARIC study has published over 2,000 articles in peer-reviewed journals. ARIC includes two parts: the Cohort Component and the Community Surveillance Component. The Cohort Component began in 1987, and each ARIC field center randomly selected and recruited a cohort sample of approximately 4,000 individuals aged 45-64 from a defined population in their community, to receive extensive examinations, including medical, social, and demographic data. Follow-up also occurs semi-annually, by telephone, to maintain contact and to assess health status of the cohort. In the Community Surveillance Component, the four communities are investigated to determine the long term trends in hospitalized myocardial infarction (MI) and coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths in approximately 470,000 men and women aged 35-84 years.