To access the full dataset, please log into DSS and submit an application.
Within the application, add this dataset (accession NG00050) in the “Choose a Dataset” section.
Once approved, you will be able to log in and access the data within the DARM portal.


This dataset is part of a genome-wide association study investigating the role of Clusterin (CLU – Endophenotype for AD) in Alzheimer’s Disease. It includes imputed genotype data with 6,015,512 SNPs, using the 1000 Genomes Project data (June 2011 release) CEU (build 37) as a reference for the 673 participants included in the study.

The files provided within this dataset includes the genotypes for 50 out of 400 ADRC individuals, and, together with data from 283 ADNI subjects, accounts for the total of 673 subjects involved in the study. Data for the ADNI subjects can be requested from, while the remaining 350 ADRC subjects can be obtained by applying for the NG00035 dataset.

Additional data in the Knight ADRC Collection can be accessed through

This dataset was originally published on the NIAGADS archive site and was moved to DSS on 02/03/2025.

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
Knight ADRC GWAS of CLUsnd10112GWAS-Imputation50

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
Knight GWAS of CLU: 1000 Genome imputation and phenotypesfsa000122NG00050.v11000 Genome GWAS, imputation and phenotypes

View the File Manifest for a full list of files released in this dataset.

Data Dictionary Files