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The search for novel risk factors for Alzheimer disease relies on access to accurate and deeply phenotyped datasets. The Memory and Aging Project at the Knight-ADRC (Knight ADRC-MAP) collects plasma, CSF, fibroblast, neuroimaging clinical and cognition data longitudinally and autopsied brain samples. We are using multi-tissue (brain, CSF and plasma) multi-omic data (genetics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) to identify novel risk and protective variants, create new prediction models and identify drug targets. Knight-ADRC participants have to be at least 45 years old and have no memory problems or mild dementia at the time of enrollment. There is no age at onset criteria for this cohort. Cases had to have a CDR >=0.5 whereas controls had to have a CDR=0 at last assessment. AD definition is based on a combination of both clinical and pathological information if available. Pathologic diagnosis will overrule clinical diagnosis. Participants are Non-Hispanic white from North America (82.47%) and African American (13.3%). Autopsy information was provided if available, but it is not a requirement for enrollment. Samples have been obtained from over 5,510 participants, including 2,426 AD cases, 148 FTD, 88 DLB and 2,156 cognitive normal healthy individuals. In addition, there is autopsy material from over 1,182 participants, 474 with fresh frozen parietal tissue.

We have banked more than 8,000 DNA samples form 5,220 unique participants and 1,973 blood RNA from 1,172 unique participants.

Plasma was collected from over 3,798 participants, and 1,650 have longitudinal plasma. We have logged over 8,000 plasma draws during the course of this study. CSF samples was obtained from 1,231 unique participants, and amyloid and tau imaging was obtained from 1,058 unique participants in a longitudinal manner. In addition, we have collected 164 PBMCs and 51 CSF cell pellets from this participant cohort. Fibroblasts were obtained from 207 participants including 16 TREM2 carriers, 27 with different APOE genotypes, 11 African American and 20 with extreme polygenic risk scores. IPSC are available for 22 of these fibroblasts.

Deep molecular profiling has been generated in this study, through the NeuroGenomics and Informatics Center at Washington University ( GWAS is available for 4,799 participants, and next generation sequence data (NGS) for 2,466 participants, 1,050 whole exome sequencing (WES) and 1,322 whole genome sequence (WGS) data. For 453 brain samples genetics (WGS), methylation (Illumina 880K), transcriptomics (bulk RNA-seq), proteomics (Somalogic 1.3K), metabolomics and lipidomics (Metabolon HD4) has been generated. CSF samples have proteomics (Somalogic 7K) and metabolomics (Metabolon HD4). A total of 3,000 cross-sectional plasma samples have proteomics (Somalogic 7K), metabolomics (Metabolon HD4), RNA-seq and methylation data.

Additional information about Knight ADRC datasets available through NIAGADS/DSS can be found on the Knight ADRC Collection page:

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
KnightADRC GWASsnd10036GWAS4500

Available Filesets

FilesetAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
KnightADRC GWASfsa000033NG00127.v1GWAS and phenotype data

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