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The goal of WU350 cohort is to address the many complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the 332 COVID-19 cases, ~90% were symptomatic patients, 93.7% were hospitalized, 46.7% with ICU admission, 24.7% on ventilation, and 19.0% died due to COVID-19 (82 ventilated and 63 died; 44 of the deceased had been ventilated prior to death). COVID-19 patients were 59 years old on average, 58.7% men and 67.8% of African American ancestry.

A total of 150 age-, sex-, and race-matched non-COVID-19 samples were used as controls. Controls samples were collected from the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center (Knight-ADRC), at Washington University in St. Louis. The Knight-ADRC is one of 30 ADRCs funded by NIH. The goal of this collaborative research effort is to advance AD research with the ultimate goal of treatment or prevention of AD.

From the 482 individuals, peripheral blood was collected, and plasma was isolated by centrifuge and stored at -80⁰C. The proteomic data in plasma was measured using SomaScan v4.1 7K, a multiplexed, single-stranded DNA aptamer-based platform from SomaLogic (Boulder, CO). Instead of physical units, the readout in relative fluorescent units (RFU) was used to report the protein concentration targeted by 7,055 modified aptamers.

Additional information can be found on the websites:

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
Knight ADRC & WU350snd10038Proteomics482

Available Filesets

FilesetAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
COVID19 - Proteomic and Phenotypic Datafsa000034NG00128.v1Proteomic and Phenotypic Data

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