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This dataset contains the sex stratified and interaction summary statistics memory and memory slopes published in Eissman, et al, 2022 (Brain, PMID: 35552371). Cognitive and pathology data were harmonized across two datasets with autopsy measures of amyloid (ROS/MAP and ACT) and two datasets with amyloid PET (A4 and ADNI). Resilience phenotypes were calculated using a latent variable modeling approach, modeling better than expected cognition for a given level of amyloid pathology. Cognitive resilience took into account amyloid levels, age, and sex. Global cognitive resilience further incorporated education into the residual cognitive resilience. Genotype data in each study underwent standard quality control and imputation onto the TOPMed reference panel (genome build 38). GWAS on both resilience phenotypes were performed including all samples as well as subsetted to only cognitively normal samples to evaluate resilience at the preclinical stage of disease.

All GWAS described were performed in males, in females, and with a sex-interaction and were run in the combined autopsy dataset and in the combined PET dataset for all resilience phenotypes. Sex-stratified GWAS covaried for age and the first three genetic principal components. The sex-interaction GWAS also covaried for sex and included a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) × sex interaction term. GWAS results were then meta-analysed across cohorts using a fixed-effects model with beta and standard error input (GWAMA v2.2.2). The above models were also run identically in the sample restricted to cognitively normal individuals, with the fixed effects meta-analyses implementing the minor allele frequencies calculated based on these individuals only. Additionally, an identical GWAS and meta-analysis pipeline as described above was implemented with the X-chromosome genetic data for the sex-stratified models. All meta-analysis results were restricted to SNPs present in both the autopsy and the PET dataset.

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
Sex Differences Resilience: Full Summary Statistics (application needed)fsa000095NG00161.v1Full Summary Statistics
Sex Differences Resilience: P-values only (open access)fsa000096NG00161.v1P-values only

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