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CHARGE investigators performed single common variant association, rare variant aggregate analyses, and targeted association analyses in sub-populations using the R1 WGS data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) to identify causal and rare variants that were linked to loci from the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) GWAS (Wang et al., 2024; DOI: 10.1002/alz.13705).

Inclusion criteria were genetically unique individuals who passed QC and had AD or control status resulting in a pooled population of N cases=2,184 and N controls=2,383.

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
CHARGE ADSP R1 WGS: Full Summary Statistics (application needed)fsa000103NG00165.v1Full Summary Statistics
CHARGE ADSP R1 WGS: P-values only (open access)fsa000104NG00165.v1P-values only

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