The NIAGADS team has been hard at work writing and testing code to improve user experience in the DARM and DSS portals. We are happy to share that the following features are now available to users:
Administrator Role Added – Investigators can now designate “Administrators” to complete data applications and manage users on their behalf. See the administrator’s user guide for more information.
Please note: the “Data Downloader” role is a separate role from “Administrator”. Data downloaders must be approved from data access and sign the Data Transfer Agreement (DTA).

PubMed ID Lookup – Investigators can now add publications to their renewal application using a PubMed ID.

File Organization Updated – Files in the DSS portal have been reorganized so that there are two tabs to browse for files in, instead of 3.
- Single sample files – Lists any files where there is only 1 sample per file (e.g. CRAM or .gvcf)
- Multi-sample/metadata files – Lists any aggregate files such as association results, files with multiple samples, or metadata files such as readmes.
Each tab has its own cart to download S3 paths. Files less than 5Gb in size can still be downloaded directly from the DSS Portal.