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The 90+ Study was initiated in 2003 to study the oldest-old, the fastest growing age group in the United States. The 90+ Study is one of the largest studies of the oldest-old in the world. More than 1,600 people have enrolled. Initial participants in The 90+ Study were once members of The Leisure World Cohort Study (LWCS), which was started in 1981. The 90+ sample set was genotyped at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia using the Illumina Infinium GSAMD-24v2-0_20024620_A1 BeadChip which captures genotype data on 759,993 genomic SNPs. The standard Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC) quality control pipeline (Naj et al. 2011) was applied to this GWAS dataset. The first release (February 4, 2021) includes quality controlled GWAS data on 268 participants from the 90+ cohort. It also includes minimal phenotypes provided by the 90+ Study and covariates provided by the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC). The final QC’d dataset contains 733,861 SNPs and 268 samples. Additional samples are available from NCRAD on their website:

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
90+ GWAS GSA snd10026GWAS268

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
90+ Studyfsa000019NG00104.v1GWAS Data, Phenotypes, etc.

View the File Manifest for a full list of files released in this dataset.