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In 2018, 960 respondents from LASI-DAD who consented to the blood sample collection have been genotyped using Illumina Infinium genotyping platforms. The datasets being submitted include the original genotype assayed by the genotyping platforms, imputed data to the 1000G reference panel, as well as imputed data to the TOPMed reference panel. The first dataset is the genotype data assayed by the Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array-24 v2.0 BeadChip. It contains 1008 scans derived from 993 unique subjects (including 960 LASI-DAD subjects and 33 1000G control subjects) and is in PLINK format. The second dataset contains the imputed data to the 1000G reference panel (phase 3 v5) and is in vcf format. It contains 960 unique LASI-DAD subjects. The third dataset contains the imputed data to the TOPMed reference panel (r2) and is in vcf format. It contains 960 unique LASI-DAD subjects.

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
LASI-DAD GWAS GSA snd10023GWASn = 1008

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
LASI-DAD – GWAS Datafsa000011NG00106.v1GWAS Data
LASI-DAD - 1000G Imputed Datafsa000012NG00106.v11000G Imputed Data
LASI-DAD - TOPMed Imputed Datafsa000013NG00106.v1TopMed Imputed Data
LASI-DAD Association Results, Phenotypes, etc.fsa000014NG00106.v1Association Results, Phenotypes, etc.

View the File Manifest for a full list of files released in this dataset.