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DNA methylation assays were conducted on a non-random subsample (n=4,104) of participants who participated in the 2016 Venous Blood Study. The sample includes all the participants of the 2016 Healthy Cognitive Aging Project (HCAP) who have provided blood samples, plus younger participants designated for future HCAP assessments, and a subsample of HCAP non-participants. This subsample fully represents the entire HRS sample.  A total of 4,018 samples passed QC.  The sample is 58% female and has a median age of 68.7 years.  It is racially diverse: Non Hispanic White (n=2,669, 66.4%), Non Hispanic Black (n=658, 16.4%), Hispanic (n=567, 14.11%), Non Hispanic Other (n=124, 3%).  The sample is also socioeconomically diverse.  The educational distribution is less than High School (16.8%), High School / GED (52.12%), Some College (5.97%), College + (24.1%), Other (1%).

Genotype data for HRS subjects is available at NG00119 – Health and Retirement Study Genotype Data 2006-2012, and APOE phenotype data for HRS subjects is available at NG00132 – Health and Retirement Study (HRS) APOE and Serotonin Transporter Alleles.  To obtain subject ID mapping between HRS datasets, please submit a Genetic Data Cross-Reference Request Form on the HRS website.

Sample Summary per Data Type

Sample SetAccessionData TypeNumber of Samples
Health and Retirement Study (HRS) DNA Methylationsnd10055DNA Methylation4,018

Available Filesets

NameAccessionLatest ReleaseDescription
HRS DNAm: Methylation beta values, IDATs, Phenotypes, and Documentationfsa000069NG00153.v1Methylation beta values, IDATs, Phenotypes, and Documentation

View the File Manifest for a full list of files released in this dataset.

Provided in this dataset is a matrix of DNA methylation beta values that underwent a process of quality control measures by the Survey Research Center, a center within the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. DNA methylation assays were performed on 4,018 subjects at the University of Minnesota on the Infinium MethylationEPIC v1.0, which captured DNA methylation data for 836,660 methylation probes.

Sample SetAccession NumberNumber of SubjectsNumber of Samples
Health and Retirement Study (HRS) DNA Methylationsnd100554,0184,018
Consent LevelNumber of Subjects

Visit the Data Use Limitations page for definitions of the consent levels above.

Total number of approved DARs: 6
  • Investigator:
    Beam, Christopher
    University of Southern California
    Project Title:
    Genetic and epigenetic correlates of behavioral risk and protective factors in aging
    Date of Approval:
    September 3, 2024
    Request status:
    Research use statements:
    Show statements
    Technical Research Use Statement:
    Epigenetic changes play a role in the biological pathways associated with psychosocial and cognitive outcomes. Little research, however, has been devoted to understanding whether differences in methylation for one psychosocial phenotype also accounts for differential methylation of other phenotypes. The objective of the proposed research is to estimate the associations between epigenetic modifications (i.e., DNA methylation) and behavioral and psychosocial risk factors (e.g., depressive symptomatology, loneliness, low physical activity) previously shown to predict cognitive decline in older adulthood. Our principal analyses include epigenome-wide association studies of the principal phenotypes of interest to quantify differential methylation at specific CpG sites for various phenotypes of Health and Retirement Study participants who were enrolled in the 2016 Venous Blood Study. We subsequently will estimate correlations between the beta weights generated from these EWASs to quantify whether differences in methylation underlying psychosocial and cognitive phenotypes covary. Follow-up analyses will include gene-enrichment analyses to identify pathways that contain genes that are overexpressed for two phenotypes (e.g., loneliness and cognition). In addition, we will construct DNA methylation age acceleration measures using principal components methodologies that improve the reliability of DNAm age variables. The phenotypic characteristics proposed for the present study are broad and include self-report measures of current and previous smoking use, frequency of social interactions, loneliness, depressive symptomatology, self-reported physical activity, subjective memory rating, and cognitive ability measures (e.g., immediate and delayed word recall, backward counting, serial 7s, verbal fluency, vocabulary, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning).
    Non-Technical Research Use Statement:
    The general purpose of the study is to identify epigenetic correlates of behavioral risk factors and cognitive decline in older adults. For example, our planned analyses will investigate epigenome-wide associations with loneliness, depressive symptomatology, self-reported physical activity, and cognition. Further, we will identify overlapping CpG sites between behavioral risk factors and cognition in older adulthood, and use gene ontology to identify the differentially expressed genes that are enriched in biological processes relevant to disease risk and aging.
  • Investigator:
    Belsky, Daniel
    Columbia University
    Project Title:
    Life-course sociogenomic analysis of social inequalities in aging
    Date of Approval:
    September 4, 2024
    Request status:
    Research use statements:
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    Technical Research Use Statement:
    Overview. In this NIAGADS application, we seek access to DNA methylation (DNAm) data for the US Health and Retirement Study (HRS) to (1) investigate how environmental and behavioral factors in middle and later life, including physical and social environmental conditions, work and retirement, family structure, and life events affect the pace of biological aging ; and (2) to develop, validate, and refine DNAm-based indices of the pace of biological aging. These activities will establish the sensitivity of metrics of biological aging to social determinants of health and furnish validated metrics of biological aging that can be deployed to evaluate the impacts of interventions targeting the biology of aging (R01AG061378), social determinants of health that we hypothesize indirectly impact the biology of aging (R01AG087158, R01AG073402) and early-life exposures that we hypothesize hasten pace of aging across the lifespan (R01AG066887).Analysis Plan. The program of analysis for this project will include a range of activities. We will process and normalize DNAm data following methods established in our prior work. The first step will be to merge DNAm data obtained from NIAGADS with phenotypic data obtained from the HRS. We will then (1) compute indices of the pace and progress of biological aging defined in other studies, many of which are not yet available as data products from the HRS; (2) test how these indices of biological aging are related to social and physical environmental factors (e.g. socioeconomic status and social mobility, family structure, air pollution, neighborhood social environment) and investigate the extent to which they mediate environmental impacts on incidence of chronic disease, disability, and mortality as outlined in in our previous work; (3) test how these indices relate to phenotypes of aging-related decline in functional capacities and organ system integrity defined in Balachandran et al. 2024; (4) conduct discovery analysis to determine DNAm correlates and signatures of pace of aging phenotypes defined in Balachandran et al. 2024 along with related phenotypes we are currently in the process of developing.
    Non-Technical Research Use Statement:
    Life-course social science links early-life social disadvantage is how social disadvantage is biologically embedded, leading to social inequalities. A hypothesis is that social disadvantage actually hastens aging. While everyone ages chronologically at the same rate, biological changes with aging may proceed faster for some than others. These changes are thought to be a root cause of disease/disability and an intervention target to extend healthy lifespan. A knowledge gap is whether social disadvantage hastens aging-related biological changes. If so, it would open opportunity to join forces between biomedical research developing interventions to slow aging and social science research to address social inequalities. Our work and that of others indicates the pace and progress of biological aging can be measured from DNA methylation. In this project, we will investigate how social determinants of health affect trajectories of biological aging with the goal of informing programs and policies to dismantle health disparities and build healthy longevity for all.
  • Investigator:
    Cruchaga, Carlos
    Washington University School of Medicine
    Project Title:
    The Familial Alzheimer Sequencing (FASe) Project
    Date of Approval:
    May 9, 2024
    Request status:
    Research use statements:
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    Technical Research Use Statement:
    The goal of this study is to identify new genes and mutations that cause or increase risk for Alzheimer disease (AD), as well as protective factors. Individuals and families were selected from the Knight-ADRC (Washington University) and the NIA-LOAD study. Only families with at least three first-degree affected individuals were included. Families with pathogenic variants in the known AD or FTD genes, or in which APOE4 segregated with disease were excluded. At least two cases and one control were selected per family. Cases had an age at onset (AAO) after 65 yo and controls had a larger age at last assessment than the latest AAO within the family. Whole exome (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) was generated for 1,235 individuals (285 families) that together with data from our collaborators and the ADSP family-based cohort (3,449 individuals and 757 families) will provide enough statistical power to identify new genes for AD. Dr. Tanzi (Harvard Medical School) will provide WGS from 400 families from the NIMH Alzheimer disease genetics initiative study. We will perform single variant and gene-based analyses to identify genes and variants that increase risk for disease in AD families. Single variant analysis will consist of a combination of association and segregation analyses. We will run family-based gene-based methods to identify genes that show and overall enrichment of variants in AD cases. We will also look for protective and modifier variants. To do this we will identify families loaded with AD cases, that also include individuals with a high burden of known risk variants but that do not develop the disease (escapees). We will use the sequence data and the family structure to identify variants that segregate with the escapee phenotype. The most promising variants and genes will be replicated in independent datasets (ADSP case-control, ADNI, Knight-ADRC, NIA-LOAD ). We will perform single variant and gene-based analyses to replicate the initial findings, and survival analysis to replicate the protective variants. We will select the most promising variants/genes for functional studies
    Non-Technical Research Use Statement:
    Family-based approaches led to the identification of disease-causing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) variants in the genes encoding APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2. The identification of these genes led to the A?-cascade hypothesis and to the development of drugs that target this pathway. Recently, we have identified rare coding variants in TREM2, ABCA7, PLD3 and SORL1 with large effect sizes for risk for AD, confirming that rare coding variants play a role in the etiology of AD. In this proposal, we will identify rare risk and protective alleles using sequence data from families densely affected by AD. We hypothesize that these families are enriched for genetic risk factors. We already have sequence data from 695 families (2,462 individuals), that combined with the ADSP and the NIMH dataset will lead to a dataset of more than 1,042 families (4,684 individuals). Our preliminary results support the flexibility of this approach and strongly suggest that protective and risk variants with large effect size will be found, which will lead to a better understanding of the biology of the disease.
  • Investigator:
    OShea, Deirdre
    University of Miami Jackson Health System
    Project Title:
    Developing a DNAm Biomarker for Cognitive Aging: Addressing Disparities and Promoting Community Engagement
    Date of Approval:
    June 10, 2024
    Request status:
    Research use statements:
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    Technical Research Use Statement:
    The proposed study aims to investigate cognitive aging disparities among various racial and ethnic groups, focusing on the role of DNA methylation (DNAm) in mediating these differences. This research addresses the public health challenge posed by higher rates of cognitive decline and dementia in African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Native Americans compared to non-Hispanic Whites. The study hypothesizes that socioeconomic factors (SES) such as education, and occupation, influence DNAm patterns, which in turn affect cognitive health. The study design involves a retrospective analysis of longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), supplemented by DNAm data. The analysis plan includes developing a predictive algorithm for cognitive age using existing DNAm data, examining the association of SES with DNAm markers, and exploring whether these markers mediate racial/ethnic disparities in cognitive decline rates. The algorithm will be developed by regressing cognitive change slopes against DNAm parameters using elastic net linear regression, resulting in a DNAm biomarker indicative of cognitive age (DNAmCogAge). This biomarker's predictive power for future dementia will be evaluated using multilevel linear mixed models, focusing on its correlation with cognitive decline rates and the influence of race/ethnicity. In addition to the quantitative analysis, the study incorporates a qualitative component through the development of a questionnaire aimed at understanding community perspectives, particularly among older racial and ethnic minorities. This questionnaire will assess knowledge, perceived barriers, and attitudes towards epigenetic biomarkers and dementia risk, informing future efforts to develop DNAm biomarkers of cognitive age and enhance health knowledge in these communities. This study aligns with NIAGADS's mission by utilizing genetic analysis data to uncover mechanisms underlying cognitive aging disparities, bridging scientific advancements with community perspectives to foster a more holistic understanding of dementia risk factors.
    Non-Technical Research Use Statement:
    Our research focuses on understanding why certain racial and ethnic groups experience faster cognitive decline and higher dementia rates. We're exploring how life experiences, particularly socio-economic factors like education and income, might affect brain health through DNA changes. Using data from previous studies, we aim to develop a new way to measure 'cognitive age' based on these DNA changes. This will help us see if and how these changes link to cognitive decline. Additionally, we are creating a survey to understand community views on this topic, especially among older adults from diverse backgrounds. Our goal is to combine scientific findings with community insights, making our research relevant and beneficial for everyone. This study could lead to better ways of predicting and understanding dementia risk, particularly in underrepresented communities
  • Investigator:
    Ware, Erin
    University of Michigan
    Project Title:
    DNA Methylation,Genetics, and Modifiable Risk Factors of Dementia in a Nationally Representative, Multi-Ethnic Cohort
    Date of Approval:
    July 2, 2024
    Request status:
    Research use statements:
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    Technical Research Use Statement:
    Our goal is to determine the joint epigenetic and environmental contributions to ADRD risk that underlie these health disparities. Using existing epigenetic and genetic data, well-characterized dementia phenotypes, and diverse risk factor data, we will analyze a population representative, multi-ethnic aging sample from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). We aim to (1) test the associations between DNA methylation and dementia phenotypes (prevalent, 8-year incident), stratified by race/ethnicity and test for effect modification by ADRD disparity-related factors (educational attainment, sex, urban/rural); (2) identify associations between longitudinal measures of modifiable risk factors for ADRD and DNA methylation, stratified by race/ethnicity and test for effect modification or mediation by ADRD disparity-related factors; and finally, (3) identify genetic polymorphisms controlling DNA methylation and whether these are enriched in dementia outcomes to evaluate the role of DNA methylation in disease development. This study will likely impact the field of Alzheimer’s research and contribute to public health because it will a) establish the relevance of DNA methylation on ADRD in multiple race/ethnicities; b) elucidate important biological epigenetic mechanisms; c) determine the combined and individual epigenetic-environment interplay contributions to ADRD; and d) consider the effects of sex, educational attainment, race/ethnicity, younger age groups, and urban/rural status in the same study where comparisons of relative contribution to risk can be made. Here, we have the opportunity to simultaneously and substantially improve our understanding of the genetic and environmental etiologic contributions to health disparities in ADRD.
    Non-Technical Research Use Statement:
    The overall purpose of this proposal is to identify modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias that influence DNA methylation and dementia status among groups at increased risk for dementia including women, minorities, rural inhabitants, and those with low educational attainment. Results from this proposal may provide an opportunity to identify epigenetic components that contribute to the prevalence and risk of dementia that could lead to a mechanistic understanding or targeted interventions that may substantially decrease the burden of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in the US population
  • Investigator:
    Wedow, Robbee
    Purdue University
    Project Title:
    Unpacking the Emergence of Dementia Etiology Across the Life Course
    Date of Approval:
    July 26, 2024
    Request status:
    Research use statements:
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    Technical Research Use Statement:
    Moderate to severe impairments in cognitive functioning are a primary hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (ADRD), a class of disorders affecting ~30% of the population by age 90. Currently, scientists hypothesize that the AD/ADRD disease process begins decades prior to the low functioning observed at the time of diagnosis. The ideal study design to gain insight into liability in prodromal and preclinical stages of AD/ADRD would involve collecting data on a wide range of measures from a large group of participants across the entirety of the life course. However, this data collection strategy includes major pragmatic barriers. Longitudinal study designs that might identify prospective risk factors of later life disease onset carry high participant and financial costs and take decades to produce conclusive results. Because of these limitations, much of the literature has been left to speculate in a piecemeal fashion on what characterizes the AD/ADRD prodromal period. However, research into these prodromal and preclinical periods holds significant promise for improving prevention and intervention efforts by identifying at-risk individuals and those who are at an earlier, and likely more intervenable, stage of disease.We will analyze the links between genotypes and phenotypes to investigate the onset times of risk factors for AD/ADRD across the life course using data from the HRS. Our insights will focus on pinpointing specific periods when these outcomes manifest as individuals age. We hypothesize that genetic data and structural equation modeling can help identify the specific times when Alzheimer's risk factors emerge as individuals age throughout their lives. Our team proposes to leverage the Genomic Structural Equation Modeling (Genomic SEM) framework to identify genetic risk pathways to AD/ADRD across the life course using existing data from large epidemiological studies that index different age ranges. Results from this study will add previously unseen levels of precision to our understanding of when genetic risk for AD/ADRD emerges across the life course and which specific risk factors index its onset.\
    Non-Technical Research Use Statement:
    We will analyze the links between genotypes and phenotypes to investigate the onset times of risk factors for Alzheimer's and Dementia (AD) across the life course using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Our insights will focus on pinpointing specific periods when these outcomes manifest as individuals age. We hypothesize that genetic data and structural equation modeling can help identify the specific times when Alzheimer's risk factors emerge as individuals age throughout their lives.

Acknowledgment statement for any data distributed by NIAGADS:

Data for this study were prepared, archived, and distributed by the National Institute on Aging Alzheimer’s Disease Data Storage Site (NIAGADS) at the University of Pennsylvania (U24-AG041689), funded by the National Institute on Aging.

Use the study-specific acknowledgement statements below (as applicable):

For investigators using any data from this dataset:

Please cite/reference the use of NIAGADS data by including the accession NG00153.

For investigators using Health and Retirement Study (sa000021) data:

HRS is supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA U01AG009740). The genotyping was partially funded by separate awards from NIA (RC2 AG036495 and RC4 AG039029). Our genotyping was conducted by the NIH Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) at Johns Hopkins University. Genotyping quality control and final preparation were performed by the Genetics Coordinating Center at University of Washington (Phases 1-3) and the University of Michigan (Phase 4).

Crimmins EM, et al. Associations of Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Education With 13 Epigenetic Clocks in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample: The Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 May 22;76(6):1117-1123. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glab016. PMID: 33453106; PMCID: PMC8140049. PubMed link

Faul JD, et al. Epigenetic-based age acceleration in a representative sample of older Americans: Associations with aging-related morbidity and mortality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Feb 28;120(9):e2215840120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2215840120. PMID: 36802439; PMCID: PMC9992763. PubMed link