These data include a total of 18,916 subjects from the Health and Retirement Study genotyped on Illumina HumanOmni2.5-arrays.  Data files also include imputed data using the 1000 Genomes and the Haplotype Reference Consortium (HRC) reference panels.

Respondents who consented to the saliva collection in 2006 (Phase 1), 2008 (Phase 2), 2010 (Phase 3), or 2012 (Phase 4) have been genotyped using Illumina Omni genotyping platforms. The Phase 1 and 2 participants were genotyped together, and were imputed together previously (see dbGaP accession number phs000428.v1.p1). The Phase 3 participants were subsequently genotyped, and were imputed together with Phases 1-2 (dbGaP accession number phs000428.v2.p2). An additional 3,303 Phase 4 participants were genotyped in 2015., and were imputed together with Phases 1-3, yielding a total of 18,923 unique HRS participants: 15,620 from Phases 1-3, and 3,303 from Phase 4.  After QC, there were a total of 18,916 unique HRS participants included in this dataset.