Additional Whole Exomes Released on NIAGADS DSS

NIAGADS is pleased to announce the release of whole exome sequencing (WES) data from 20,504 samples through the Data Sharing Service (DSS). The data release includes CRAMs, gVCFs, and phenotypes for 582 subjects that were not previously released due to missing consent as well as the joint genotype called project level VCF…

NIAGADS DSS Releases 20K Whole Exomes

NIAGADS is pleased to announce the release of 19,922 whole exomes called on GRCh38 through the Data Sharing Service (DSS). Nine different studies contributed to the release, including 10,088 ADSP Discovery Case Control WES samples, 3,144 ADGC African American WES samples, 75 Brkanac Families WES samples, 346 Corticobasal degeneration WES…